Friday, August 19, 2011

Seven Deadly Sins

Father, forgive me... but I've become a serious sinner. I'm not talking about the talking-back-to-your-parents kind of sin or the fighting-with-your-siblings sort of sin... you know.... the kinds that would land you two Hail Marys for your penance. 
I'm lusting. 
There I said it. One of the SEVEN DEADLY ONES.  That's right. It's a real doozy of a sin.  So I will start out by asking for forgiveness. (I’m a throw myself on the mercy of the court type of gal.)
I have a pretty good life, all things considered. I have a husband that loves and supports me. I have four kids, whom for the most part, are respectful and kind (albeit it a little loud... and often messy... and loud... oh, wait... this is the part where I am being thankful. Strike that.) I have a roof over my head and food on my table. 
If I had to rank my lust on a scale of 1-10, I’d be at a 10. It’s not a case of mild lust, like the kind I have for him:

(sorry honey... it’s the accent, I swear!)
or her:

Meet Millie. She's my perfectly English named Mini Cooper.

(why we feminize cars I will never know but wouldn’t it be SO wonderful if this could be the Three Little Pixies mobile??? Take note of the fact that it is only a four seater. I plan on bribing the children for a ride in lieu of good behavior. That's right. Like most sinners, I have no shame.)
This though. This is what I am talking about! 

Welcome to my Cloffice!

Isn't she a beauty? I live in a small house and space is at a premium. My stuff is shoved into tupperwares and baskets and bowls. I'm forever taking ribbon, felt and findings out of the paws of the three little pixies. I've got my eye on the perfect little closet in my room and once the pixies are back at school it's extreme home makeover time. I could spend hours pouring over paint colors and wallpaper samples and organizing accessories but not today. 

Today I have some very special jewelry to make. I have a piece for a mom trying to conceive and a piece for a mom who is very, very ill.  Your stories, trials and tribulations help put things into perspective for me every day.  I can't thank you enough for sharing your special moments with us. Thank you for allowing Three Little Pixies to be a part of your lives and for letting yourselves to become a part of ours!

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