Friday, November 11, 2011

My Poor Neglected Blog

I'm so bad at blogging (and tweeting for that matter!) I find I'm best on FB because I can pop on and off. I feel like I *have* to have *something* to say to blog and a lot of the times I just, well.... don't. LOL!

But today.... today I have NEWS! We're sponsoring a giveaway over on Tatertots and Jello. I'm not great at blogging but I am one heck of a blog follower and Jen over on T&J comes up with some pretty creative DIY projects and ideas. She also has a great following who come up with even MORE creative projects and ideas!  Be sure to hop on over to Jen's site and check out her weekend wrap up party and enter for your chance to win a $50 gift card to our shop.

In other news I've uploaded a few new items to the shop for the holidays. We have a few new necklaces and some really affordable personalized ornaments. We'll be super busy the next few weeks between craft shows and holiday orders so be sure to check in with us on facebook for current sales and coupon codes!