Saturday, August 27, 2011

Rain, Rain Go AWAY!

I’m not gonna lie... I’m over Irene. This hurricane is an uninvited guest to say the least. We’ve already lost power once, twice, three FOUR times and I am over it. I need my creature comforts man.... like my ceiling fan and air conditioner and internet. I mean really... this is my unplug time. Did Irene not GET the memo? Does she really expect me to TALK to my husband??? (Only teasing honey! Love, love, love you!) And now they’re talking about tornadoes on TOP of hurricanes so I’m just going to go to my happy place and take advantage of my internet connection while I can and look at wallpaper for my imaginary cloffice and some storage options for my pantry (which I also want to make over.)

I have a laundry list as long as my arm of all the things I need to complete in the upcoming weeks and it’s giving me a little bit of anxiety. We start back at school a week from Thursday (which at some point will involve shopping for clothes and I don’t need to tell any of you that shopping with an opinionated 8 year old makes for a no bueno experience.) I need to get my house back in shape from summertime slacking and ready to tackle the fall/holiday season. We have two upcoming art shows plus our day to day work and oh yeah I have four kids to take care of, dinners to prepare and toilets to clean. I vote we have summer year round!!!  I’m going to take a little cruise around the internet and see if I can find some good freezer meals to whip up so my kids don’t become 8 bazillion pounds living on take out because I’m busy.
This week at work was less than stellar as we had A LOT of problems with shipping piggy banks. And by A LOT I mean two but I am a perfectionist and ONE is one problem too many. I swear the postal workers are taking bats to these poor little piggies to get even with me for shipping out 20 packages a day and I HATE when customers are unhappy or not satisfied, and let’s be honest... who could possibly be satisfied or happy with a box full of broken hog? 

And now the power is out again (time number FIVE for those of you keeping track) and  I am thinking of just having a drink (or some chocolate) and heading to bed. I’m putting a period on this week and moving on to greener pastures.

Let’s just keep our fingers crossed that I don’t end up with a tree in my master bedroom tonight and that we can start the week tomorrow with a clean slate (both literally and figuratively!)

Stay Safe!

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